Do you know someone who is a caregiver full time?
Do you really understand their daily grind?
Think of it this way...
A family caregiver is part of a global workforce without pay, benefits, and completely unrecognized as such.
But did you know they are Jacks of many trades? Continue reading to learn what I mean.
This morning as I sat here enjoying my coffee I'm reflecting on Caregivers. The reason, something shared by someone yesterday.
This is the heartbreaking reality family caregivers face, all of them. However with ALS it's compounded by the sheer total care required eventually. Regardless of your background, as an ALS caregiver you will be challenged. The first challenge is the knowledge of your loved ones condition and the absence of treatments, let alonea cure. This is followed by a slew of others, such as knowing what questions to ask, when to ask them and to whom. There is so much information to digest, what do you choose to consume and when?
What really caught my ear and heart yesterday was one aspect that becomes second nature to all caregivers, becoming a self taught... (Fill In The Blank).
You name it. As daunting as it is to care for an advanced stage ALS patient, a family caregiver WILL be required to garner a modicum of medical equipment and care skills; in order to help their loved one's continue liveing.
Here is a short list of what a caregiver becomes:
Nurse, medical assistant
Lay Minister
Respiratory Therapist
Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Holistic practitioner
Medical Administration
Health insurance navigator
Taxi driver
Mom, dad, parent, sibling, friend, as a secondary role
Medical equipment trouble shooter
I'm sure I missed some, but you get it.
The burden on a caregivers shoulders, the weight of it is not visible to us, but they feel every bit of it. Often, they just cary on never asking for a hand. Most often to their own detriment.
Reach out to a caregiver today, they may not realize they need YOU!